
24 years - she/her
Nice to meet you~


➵ Feel free to interact on the TL, I don't bite➵ If we're mutuals, you can also always DM me :)➵ I don't post super explicit content here but I'd still prefer no minors to follow me bc I do tweet sexual jokes etc.➵ If you're interested in my cosplay content, consider following my Instagram page!

Main Fandoms/Interests

Baldur's Gate 3
Finished one run w my darling Tav Emrys (see pic) and have multiple others running currently :D Please talk to me ab my Tavs
Faves: Astarion, Karlach <3
Genshin Impact
Main: AR60 on EU server (UID: 725376767)
Plus I always need help on my NA account bc I'm early AR there :D (UID: 650390176)Faves: Kaeya, Yanfei, Kaveh <3I'm slow with story quests, so please be mindful to not spoiler me when we talk (just ask if I alr played Quest XY before talking abt it)*Miyano Mamoru/宮野 真守Aoi Shouta/蒼井 翔太Others I rarely tweet about but love nonetheless
Ikemen Series (esp IkeRev)
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Royal Tutor


My stance on fandom drama is:
'Don't harass real people over fictional characters and use the block button if needed.'
If we can't even agree on that, don't follow me.
I'm not involving myself in this any further for my own sanity.
I'm multiship without any top/bottom preference, so I will essentially like/RT any pairing if I like the art.
I try to pay attention my RTs are tagged correctly but it might slip my mind sometimes. If my RTs bother you, mute me or unfollow.
Ships I enjoy a lot in particular


I'm a yumejoshi, so I might occassionally tweet or talk with moots about shipping myself with certain fictional characters.
If you think that's cringe or smth don't follow me lol
I don't talk super much about selfship on the TL anymore tbh.
I also do not mind sharing any of my f/os but for yume, who aren't okay with sharing here's my list of f/os (main in bold letters):
Kaeya (GI)
➵ Yanfei (GI)
➵Jonah Clemence (IkeRev)
➵ Yves Kloss (IkePri)